nak balik umaa...huuu :(
help me please!! me!!
ak not in the mood utk study dah..
my soul da arrived kat umah since smalam oke..
tggal my body part left kat sni...huu~~~
errmmm...nk share2..
tmorrow..blik ngn my lovely buncit..yeah!! <3 u gemox :) x sbar nk tnggu esok..tpi mlam ni pn x abes lgi..hurmm..nk watpe nih?..dduk2 goyang kki kew?..taking off BOQ x wat papew lgi..exercise ANALYSIS pon x usik lgi..example DESIGN plak blurr2 nak wat...notes pn byk lom print..adeyh...mnggu2 nk blik raye ni plak manyak kjew..dush2!!!...hamek kau haniey..malas sgt..tpi nk wat laziness mlebihi my kindness cuteness..hahaha....hancuss my grammar..kau pdulik hape kn..buwekks:P..camne lah nk lpas MUET dis sem still young..ahaks... tapew2..relax jap..cerna mkanan lam pewot chomell ak nih..hehe..then, brulah leh start works kn..yup haniey!..gambate!!...but, nnt move bontot ak dri duk dpan lappy nih.,.haiyyah!!...mlasnyew minah nih...nk kne ketuk kew?..xmao2..huhuu...haa...tdi da dpt da my order items yg booked kat on9 shop..okela, quite beauty kan..mix match ngn bju2 rayew ak pon looks da setel utk pkaian rayew..yeah :D
kasut rayew??gelang rayew??..hurmm...mslah bsar nih..tape2..nnt ak bertfakur crik jlan pnyelsaiannyew..hehe.,.tnggula abg2 n kakkku..akn ku paw2 korang.haha...owh..miss my pretty niece larw..kakak CACA...adik IYA...and little QISS...untie De miss korg sgt..blik nnt nk cium laju2..pelok ketat2..hehe.. ishh..nk show off skitlah kecomelan ank2 buah ak.heheh:P
kakak CACA
eceh..suroh pose, laju jew an...hehe..
my little QISS...mmuaahx
adik IYA
mcm2 keletah taw dye nih..windu cgt..pndai pggil ak tie jew dri aunti DE..okela..hehe..
ak not in the mood utk study dah..
my soul da arrived kat umah since smalam oke..
tggal my body part left kat sni...huu~~~
errmmm...nk share2..
tmorrow..blik ngn my lovely buncit..yeah!! <3 u gemox :) x sbar nk tnggu esok..tpi mlam ni pn x abes lgi..hurmm..nk watpe nih?..dduk2 goyang kki kew?..taking off BOQ x wat papew lgi..exercise ANALYSIS pon x usik lgi..example DESIGN plak blurr2 nak wat...notes pn byk lom print..adeyh...mnggu2 nk blik raye ni plak manyak kjew..dush2!!!...hamek kau haniey..malas sgt..tpi nk wat laziness mlebihi my kindness cuteness..hahaha....hancuss my grammar..kau pdulik hape kn..buwekks:P..camne lah nk lpas MUET dis sem still young..ahaks... tapew2..relax jap..cerna mkanan lam pewot chomell ak nih..hehe..then, brulah leh start works kn..yup haniey!..gambate!!...but, nnt move bontot ak dri duk dpan lappy nih.,.haiyyah!!...mlasnyew minah nih...nk kne ketuk kew?..xmao2..huhuu...haa...tdi da dpt da my order items yg booked kat on9 shop..okela, quite beauty kan..mix match ngn bju2 rayew ak pon looks da setel utk pkaian rayew..yeah :D
kasut rayew??gelang rayew??..hurmm...mslah bsar nih..tape2..nnt ak bertfakur crik jlan pnyelsaiannyew..hehe.,.tnggula abg2 n kakkku..akn ku paw2 korang.haha...owh..miss my pretty niece larw..kakak CACA...adik IYA...and little QISS...untie De miss korg sgt..blik nnt nk cium laju2..pelok ketat2..hehe.. ishh..nk show off skitlah kecomelan ank2 buah ak.heheh:P

p/s: dahla..kire scare x sabar keh..laju2..10,9,8,7........1!!!..blik umah..haha...